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Passion Or Obligation?

Writer: Belinda AsamoahBelinda Asamoah

“My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”

How many times have you dragged your feet into the presence of God?

Dwelled in His presence with your physical body, but denied Him your heart?

Offered Him shallow lip service during prayer or worship?

Given Him the last 10 minutes of your day to bury the guilt of disregarding Him over the past 24 hours?

Memorized a random verse just to finally erase that task off of your “spiritual to-do list”?

Can you recall how often you’ve fit Him into your schedule, instead of building your schedule around Him?

And regarded His subtle promptings for intimacy and fellowship as a burden and not a privilege?

I know I have. On uncountable occasions.

Because at times although I desire to run into His presence with excitement the responsibilities and pressures of life stagnate my pace.

Times where I attempt to withhold my heart from Him simply because I am ashamed of the content I know He’ll see in there.

Times where the lip service I find myself offering does not stem from a place of ingratitude or ignorance, but from a place of weariness. Growing weary of waiting for His numerous promises to come to fruition.

Times where those 24 hours can be so hectic that I completely forget to acknowledge that it is in Him alone I live, and move and have my being.

Seasons where I allow my Christian walk to get so dry and monotonous that it seems as though 3 hours of fulfilling religious duties are worth more than 1 minute of genuine intimacy with Jesus.

Seasons where I feel compelled to reshuffle my priorities to deal with more urgent things when the bible makes it clear that He is before all things, and in Him are all things held together.

Seasons where I can sense Him tugging on my heart and calling me into the secret place, yet I dilute those promptings with mundane activities because I am not yearning for Him the way He yearns for me.

So when I meditate on the radical sayings of King David I find myself in awe of His consistent zeal and passion for God.

How can a man grow so obsessed with the divine presence that even His flesh—the very enemy of spiritual things, joins his soul and heart in his quest for intimacy with God?

Jesus gives us the answer in Matthew 6:21.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also.” [AMP]

A treasure is anything or anyone that you deem the most valuable in your life.

And because of its priceless value your time, actions, resources, and energy all become geared towards it.

King David’s love for God was birthed by his decision to make Him the most valuable treasure he possessed. Above his kingship, authority, honor, wives, wealth, and wisdom.

Search your heart at this moment. What is your current treasure? Academic excellence? Fame? Money? The applause of men? Power? Attention? A relationship? A career or business goal?

Once you pinpoint it (or them, because there may be a few), humbly ask Jesus to help you set your affections on Him. Ask Him to help you make Him the only treasure in your life.

May we be modern-day David’s. Individuals who choose to dwell in the presence of God not out of obligation, but from sincere passion.

Passion towards the only steadfast treasure we can ever have, Jesus Christ Himself.

Written: Terri



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