We've all experienced insecurities at one point or the other. We've either felt like we don’t fit in, or like we aren't smart enough or good-looking. We doubt ourselves and our abilities. So, we begin to feel sorry for ourselves and live in mediocrity. This is not God's will for us, for He has blessed us with all we need to live a fulfilled life in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). Whose lens do you use to view yourself? Is it God's lens or the enemy's lens? (Isaiah 43:4a, ‘Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you’).
Our problem is not in the fact that we have insecurities, but our problem is that we deal with our insecurities wrongly. In the Bible, we encounter God’s own friend Moses. He had his own insecurity with speech. He was not eloquent. When God gave him an assignment, he did not turn to man to complain about his insecurity, but he spoke to God instead. He told God what He struggled with (Exodus 4:10-12). God already knew his problem, but He still waited for Moses to tell Him about it before He helped him. You might ask why God waited for Moses to tell Him about his insecurity before God helped him. God is a very gentle God. He knows exactly what is best for us, but He doesn’t impose on us. That is why He freely extends His help to us when we ask. If Moses pretended not to have that insecurity and instead put on a façade, God wouldn’t have helped him either. God doesn’t help us in our weakness if we pretend to be okay.
Each time you feel unworthy or unqualified to do what God has called you to do because of your insecurity, talk to God. Share your heart with God, be completely honest with God. He will help you. He understands us better than anyone (Hebrews 4:15, ‘For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.). Don’t let your dreams and ambitions die because you never overcame your insecurities. Pray about them. I felt very insecure about creating this blog. I was so shy, but down in my heart, I wanted to do this so bad. I prayed about it, I still feel insecure, but I’m gradually overcoming it.
i needed this. thanks a lot❤️
I love it! ❤ God bless youuuu
God bless you ❤️🙏🏻For this
Thank you Belinda❤️