In order to be committed to God, you need to seek Him. You cannot commit to something you do not know. You cannot be committed to someone you do not know because you will not know their value, and when you do not know the value of a person, you’ll miss out on a lot of things.
Like for every relationship we commit to, we usually take time to get to know each other before we give them our yes. When it comes to being committed to God, we also need to take time to know Him. When you don’t take the time to get to know God, you limit Him to something He is not. You tend to confine Him to the constrains of mere religion. The moment you put limits on God through your lack of knowledge of Him, you hinder His ability to work through you and for you. In other to develop your relationship with God, you need to take the next step by drawing near to God. He already took the first step towards creating a relationship with us when He sent His beloved son to die for us. Now, you need to take the next step by drawing near to Him. He promises to draw near to us when we draw near to Him (James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”)
Here are some steps to take in order to pursue God.
1. Read the word: You cannot know God if you do not study His word. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This verse clearly tells us that the Word of God is Himself. The more you read and study the Word of God with the help and the understanding that the Holy Spirit gives, the clearer your knowledge of God will grow. You will be able to do away with the limitations you placed on Him. You will understand that there is more to God than what you previously knew.
2. Prayer: This is simply talking to God. Talk to God like you talk to your best friend. Allow Him to enter every area of your life. Don’t only talk to God when life is hard. Talk to Him in the shower, talk to Him on your way to work or school. Talk to God when you are listening to songs. One thing I love about God is His omnipresence. Isn’t that lovely? Just imagine being able to have an all-powerful and an ever-loving God you can talk to every single hour. In communicating with God, try not to do all the talking. He loves talking back to us. Make time to listen to Him. His voice is beautiful, and I know you’ll love His voice too.
3. Spending time with God: How many of us have had a relationship end because we failed to create time or the other person failed to create time? It is the same with God, if you fail to create time to be with God alone, your relationship with Him will become stagnant. There will be no progress, and eventually, your relationship with God will only be a memory you once had. Please, don’t do that Him, you’ll break His heart. He loves you too much, and He does not deserve that pain.
In order to be committed to God, you need know Him.
1. Pick a story from the Bible to study this month. It can be a story you have already heard before or read about before. This time, when you read and study about this story, ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide. Ask questions if you do not understand anything. He is the best teacher.
2. Set aside 5 reminders on your phone for every day. For each time a reminder shows on your phone, talk to Him. Ask Him how is. Tell Him what you’ve been up to.
3. Pick a specific day and time of the week that will your “Date with God.” Make sure you honor this day and time. Show up on time for Him and try to be consistent.
4. Watch the video on @thesecret_placee on Instagram.